Writing Exercise: Perspective

I tell people that the one thing I’m afraid of is drowning. Five-year-old me played on the wet sand without paying attention. The green plastic bucket I was holding was the only thing on my mind. I was trying to scoop sand into the bucket with it’s white child-sized shovel when the wave came. My... Continue Reading →

Writing Exercise – Small objects

This week I’ve been challenged to look about the house and find a small object or objects that I find in either jacket pockets, coin trays, random bowls, or forgotten drawers. What do these objects say about my life? Where do they come from? How did they get there? Try the same and keep it... Continue Reading →

100 Days of writing – Day 6

Based on the date of my last post, I’m not doing very well. I blame chemo. The past two weeks have been brutal. The spirits are up, but I’ve felt tired and sick. Tings are better today, even after a dose of Gemcitibine yesterday. I’m looking forward the weekend. I’m have a socially distanced BBQ... Continue Reading →

100 days of writing – Day 5

As you can see, I’ve failed to blog every day. I missed about a week. I’m not offering any excuses, though I have a few. what I will say is that although I didn’t post anything here for a few days, I have been writing. Journals, Diary notes and scribbles on scraps of paper. I... Continue Reading →

100 days of writing – day 4

It’s a strange thing to be back in some diet-coke version of society after over a year with hardly any contact with others at all. I’m in an airbnb trying to be comfortable. There’s little for me to say at the moment. I’m just processing. Tomorrow is another day. Sorry for the light word count,... Continue Reading →

100 Days of writing – Day 3

When you can’t sleep, your mind jumps around to random things that suddenly seem important. What was that film that Meg Ryan was in with Russell Crowe and wasn’t she married to Dennis Quaid and what was that film that the both did together about the poisoned writer? D.O.A.? Wasn’t he a writing professor? What... Continue Reading →

100 days of writing – Day 2

The day has been mainly a wash out. Tiredness has set in after chemo and I’ll I’m good for is game shows and napping. On days like this, when I think back to what the day held, I find it hard to remember what I did. Breakfast, French Toast with bacon and strawberries. Ok, so... Continue Reading →

100 days of writing – Day 1

My writing group has suggested that we write for 100 days. We don’t have to share, but the act of agreeing to do this makes us somewhat accountable. I’m hoping my fear of failure will keep me on top of this. We haven’t set ourselves a target for each day, but the idea is that... Continue Reading →


It has been a while since I’ve been here, but I promise, I have been writing. I study, I read and I write when I can. Most importantly, I’m creating new things. I never wanted kids. Let’s get that out of the way. Never in my life did I picture myself as a Mom, bouncing... Continue Reading →

Children’s Classics

I just read “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” for the first time. As a child, one of my favourite films was the Judy Garland musical with its catchy tunes and camp characters. I admit, the magic faded as I grew older, but I could still appreciate the sophistication of the film craft achieved for its... Continue Reading →

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