Quote for the day

If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things worth writing. -Benjamin Franklin

Quote for the Day

It's tougher than Himalayan yak jerky in January. But, as any creative person will tell you, there are days when there's absolutely nothing sweeter than creating something from nothing. - Richard Krzemien

Writing Prompt: A Day in the Life

Each day is different. There are so many variables that determine what the day has in store for each of us. The weather can influence what we wear, what we do, where we go and who we meet. A small, unexpected turn of events can change your day, your mood, the outcome of plan. Even... Continue Reading →

Writing Prompt: The Snapshot

There are stories all around us. Everyone we see has a history, every scene our eyes capture has a story behind it. I once took a camera to the beach in Malibu and took random photos of people walking on the pier, sitting on the sand, leaning on the rails of the boardwalk and eating... Continue Reading →

Writing Prompt: The Book List

As you may have noticed through some of the other pages on the site, I've started a new book list for 2009. As I go through them, I'm writing down what I finish and adding a review. So far, I've read "Candide" by Voltaire (for the 20th time), "Fire in the Blood" by Irene Nemirovsky... Continue Reading →

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